E-Education Workshop (Download Program)
In Cooperation with the Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC), 8/10/2015, 10:00 - 12:30 am.
Workshop in Brief
The use of information technology and communication in teaching and learning has been evolving during the past two decades. During this workshop we aim to present how can we make the most of ICT, evaluating what works and why? The experience of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in implementing e-learning at schools with a grant from the Belgium government. The training manual on an effective use of ICT towards learner centered approach will be presented.
This workshop is intended for a range of groups of professionals such as instructional designers, Educational developers and teachers/lecturers involved in open and online learning and teaching.
Part of the workshop will dedicated to the use of mobile learning (m-learning). Mobile devices give us an extra dimension in teaching and learning, but it also raises new challenging questions for learning developers such as; What is the difference between m-Learning and e-Learning? How can adapt existing e-learning resources and tools to be available on mobile devices?
The workshop will consists of a set of shorts presentation by key note speakers on e-learning and m-learning, followed by two training workshops, one on the use of web tools in classrooms and the other on the use of mobile learning in teaching.
Planned Presentations / Speakers
1. Effective Utilization of ICT in Education - E-learning Project
This talk will present the work done by Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) towards the effective utilization of ICT in Education through the intervention of the e-learning project sponsored by the Federal Government of Belgium. The project specific objective is to enhance the learning process of pupils acquiring 21st Century competencies by applying e-learning curricula, modules and practice, allowing the pupils to become autonomous and active learners. The project aims to upgrade the skills of teachers and students towards acquiring 21st century abilities in the area of Science, Mathematics, English and IT, where electronic and virtual means will boost the options for teachers and students towards acquiring the best educational skills and knowledge. The project approach supports directed towards student centred learning at all levels of MoEHE.
Dr. Rashid Jayousi:
Graduated from the University of Reading, UK in 1983 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, holds a Master degree in Computer Engineering from Lowell University, USA, and gained his PhD in computer science from Keele University, UK in 2003. He joined the Computer Science Department at Al-Quds University in 1984 as a teaching assistant. His main research interest is in Mutliagent Systems, e-Learning Systems, and Distributed Systems. He worked for the past four years as a coordinator for the e-learning project funded by the Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC) at the Ministry of Education. He is currently the general director of Al-Quds University libraries.
2. ICT Usage in the Classroom
Mr. Tharwat Zaid:
الاسم الرباعي: ثروت لطفي مصطفى زيد
البريد الإلكتروني zaid_mehe@yahoo.com
التحصيل العلمي:
- ماجستير تربية / ادارة تربوية
- دبلوم عال تربية
- بكالوريوس رياضيات
مكلف/ وكيل مساعد للشؤون التعليمية |
وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي |
2015- الآن |
مدير عام الاشراف والتأهيل التربوي |
وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي |
2005 – الآن |
مدير تربية وتعليم |
مديرية التربية والتعليم -جنين |
2004_2005 |
مدير تربية وتعليم |
مديرية التربية والتعليم - قباطية |
2001-2004 |
نائب مدير تربية وتعليم |
مديرية التربية والتعليم - قباطية |
1999- 2001 |
رئيس قسم التخطيط والاحصاء |
مديرية التربية والتعليم -جنين |
1996_1999 |
معلم |
مدارس تربية جنين |
1991_1996 |
معلم |
دار المعلمين والمدارس الثانوية اليمن الجنوبي |
1985- 1991 |
- المشاركة في العديد من المؤتمرات المحلية والعربية والدويلة بالحضور وبأوراق عمل بمواضيع تربوية مختلفة سواء كانت بالأشراف التربوي او بالقيادة التربوية او اساليب التدريس او التربية المدنية وحقوق الانسان والقانون الدولي والجودة في التعليم.
- عدة دراسات ومنشورات
- مقالات منشورة ما يزيد عن 100 مقالة بالصحف والمجلات في مواضيع اجتماعية وسياسية وتربوية
- الاشراف على العديد من البرامج والمشاريع التطويرية في وزارة التربية .
3. Quality of eLearning Systems
The main purpose of the talk is to address the quality of eLearning, and enhance it by proposing a new Softcomputing-based quality model. The talk will briefly review the various available quality eLearning models. Furthermore, the talk will present the proposed Soft Computing-based model, SCeLQM that includes several dimensions. The implementation of SCeLQM model at Higher Education Institutions as well Schools will be discussed.
Dr. Labib Arafeh:
Associate professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Quds University, Palestine. His research interests lie in major aspects of computing applications for people, including Essay-Type Auto Grading Systems; development of e-learning systems for practical / experimental courses; Quality Assurance and evaluation of e-learning systems and websites; applications of soft computing techniques in Load demand and Water Demand forecasting, Project Management, Entrepreneurial Key Competencies, and political conflicts; promoting the use of technology in teaching, and the production of educational and cultural multimedia, as well as Human Security. He has a Ph.D. in Instrumentation / Pattern Recognition & Intelligent Systems, from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Computer Science from University of Essex, and B.E in Electronics from Bangalore University.
4. The Adaptivity Role in Mobile learning
Dr. Nidal Aljabary:
5. Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in Teaching and Learning
Today we cannot imagine our lives without Web 2.0 technologies, even though only years ago few people could imagine its relevance to everyday life, much less, academic life (McBride, 2009). This session aims at presenting an overview of Web 2.0 technology tools and the trends in utilizing technology in education. Participants will be introduced to various software, techniques, strategies, and examples that show the applicability of such tools in their teaching and learning. Participants will also get the chance to join a Facebook group designated for engaging stakeholders in Web 2.0 technology and its tools.
Dr. Mohammad Tamimi:
Dr. Tamimi is an assistant professor and the director of the Language Center at the Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU). He received his Ph. D. from the University of Arizona, USA, in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Dr. Tamimi is specialized in pedagogy, instructional technology, material development, alternative assessment, and blended learning. He also conducts specialized workshops in integrating technology in teaching and learning, entrepreneurship skills, and soft skills. His research interest includes using Web 2.0 technologies in education, language and culture, Hypermedia, blended learning, e-learning, and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).